Parental Consent and EMTALA: A legal perspective on Idaho healthcare legislation

Over this past year, Idaho healthcare has been on the national docket and has seen federal and state court litigation on a variety of topics impacting healthcare providers and patients. 

Join us for webinar offering a legal perspective on the real-world impacts of recent rulings and laws for healthcare providers and patients with healthcare-focused attorneys from Smith + Malek.

Time: 11-12 PM MDT / 10-11 AM PDT

Safeguard your business and healthcare practice from lawsuits arising from the most impactful legal updates affecting the healthcare industry today.

  • Understand Senate Bill 1329 on parental consent in medical decisions.
  • Learn the latest on Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) and what it means for you.

Get practical advice on navigating these laws so that you can focus on what really matters—aiding your patients, running a healthy business, and changing the world for better.

Meet the Speakers

Caitlin O’Brien

Caitlin O’Brien counsels healthcare organizations, providers groups, and local, state and regional healthcare associations, networks and strategic partners. Caitlin handles a variety of corporate issues for her clients, including advising on strategic decision making, counseling on corporate governance, negotiating and enforcing contracts with employees, vendors, insurers and state and federal government agencies, facilitating strategic planning, advising on executive reviews and compensation, and managing corporate compliance programs.

Hannah Andazola

Hannah Andazola provides comprehensive legal counsel to healthcare clients, advising them on a number of issues, including those related to compliance, human resources, corporate governance, risk management, and complex contractual negotiations. By leveraging her extensive knowledge in both healthcare policy and regulatory compliance, Hannah ensures that her clients navigate the evolving healthcare landscape with confidence.

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